Garlic-Tarragon Roasted Artichokes

August evenings provide a perfect opportunity to enjoy time with friends and family outside as the summer sun sets. We encourage you to use these final weeks of summer to consider having an outdoor potluck one evening (or even afternoon, if you prefer). These delicious garlic-tarragon roasted artichokes, courtesy of Skyler, are the perfect addition…

Avocado, Kale, and Raspberry Smoothie Bowl

Hello again!! I can hardly believe August has begun! Long days of dancing coupled with swimming, laughter, and a fair amount of ice cream have made for the perfect summer days. However, after being away from home for a little over six weeks, words cannot express how excited I am to reunite with the thing…

The Social Media Dieting Dilemma

I can’t scroll through any of my social media platforms without being bombarded by pictures of perfectly toned bikini-clad women and posts boasting “How to Kill Your Sugar Addiction Before it Kills You”, “How to Be Bikini Ready By Friday”, “Why This New Diet Fad Will Fix Everything”. Honestly, this can be pretty overwhelming. Always…

Your Morning Just Got Better…

If you haven’t noticed by the contents of the recipes I’ve been concocting lately, I am on a *slight* chocolate and peanut butter kick. Correction, I am ALWAYS on a chocolate and peanut butter kick. I think these two foods are the best combination on Earth. So why not start your day off with them?…

The Reason I May Become a Coffee Addict: A Thank You to My Dietitian

Last Friday night, I had pizza and pasta with a dietitian. Does that sentence have you a little confused? Perhaps warrant a second glance? And get this, we nibbled on carrot cake BEFORE dinner simply because the opportunity presented itself … and because well, it is cake. Today, I would like to give you a…

Peach – Ginger Breakfast Quinoa

As we FINALLY begin to see warmer temperatures and sunnier days upon us, it is time to embrace that summer is here. With that comes more time outside and busier days filled with fun summer festivities. Now more than ever it is important that you start your day off with a healthy, hearty breakfast that…

Oh So Chocolaty and Peanut Buttery Delicious Mug Cake!

Doesn’t that title sound like I am SO excited about sharing this recipe with you? You guessed it, because I am, and this treat is life-changing. Who knew a coffee mug could ultimately be your greatest source of happiness? Am I passionate about chocolate and peanut butter? You bet I am! If you’re anything like…

Zucchini Bread Baked Oatmeal

Saturday morning is arguably the best morning of the week. The beginning of the weekend signals a time for relaxing, recharging, and in Skyler’s case, cooking. This week, Skyler has combined the delicious taste of zucchini bread with the powerhouse ingredients of oatmeal for a breakfast treat that is both decadent and nutritious. Give this…

What is “Healthy” Anyway?

With so many different definitions and ideas about what is “healthy” and how to be “healthy” flooding our social media feeds and magazines, I thought it would be good to get back to basics and muse about what this word really means. I hope you enjoy and feel free to comment below about what healthy…

Apple Crisp Goodness

A new week signals an opportunity for new beginnings. To do lists are prepped, goals are set, minds are rejuvenated from the weekend (hopefully 🙂 ). Whatever last week was is now a distant memory, and we each have the power to make this week a great one. Ahh – I love fresh starts! With…

Avocado Mac and Cheese

I don’t know about you, but I have an obsession with avocado. I also have an obsession with chocolate, yet with Valentine’s Day weekend behind us I am feeling mildly satisfied for the time being 🙂 Given the extreme cold front sweeping across the Midwest and even into the usually sunny and mild Nashville, it…

An Ode to the Girl in the Mirror

Our relationship with the mirror is a tenuous one. While the mirror can be such a helpful tool, it is often the source of hatred and insecurities. It is my hope that one day we can relinquish the power that the mirror has on us and we can learn to love ourselves regardless of how…